University of Leeds
1. Asma Almazaydeh .................... University of Leeds
2. Sylvy Anscombe ....................... University of Central Lancashire
3. John Armitage .......................... University of Oxford
4. Carolyn Barker ......................... University of Leeds
5. Zoé Chatzidakis ........................ Ecole Normale Superieure - Paris
6. Jean-Cyrille Massicot ................ Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
7. Christian D'Elbee ...................... Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
8. Stamatis Dimopoulos ............... University of Leeds
9. Philip Dittmann ........................ University of Oxford
10. Ugur Efem .............................. University of Oxford
11. Esther Elbaz ........................... University Paris Diderot - Paris 7
12. Pedro Estevan-Ibañez ............ Universitat de Barcelona
13. Sebastian Eterovic ................. University of Oxford
14. Dario Garcia ........................... University of Leeds
15. Erick Garcia Ramirez .............. University of Leeds
16. Jana Glivická .......................... Charles University - Prague
17. Petr Glivický ........................... University of Economics - Prague
18. Gwyneth Harrison-Shermoen .... University of Leeds
19. John Howe ............................. University of Leeds
20. Jan Hubicka ............................ Charles University - Prague
21. Alexander Jones ..................... University of Bristol
22. Ulla Karhumäki ....................... University of Manchester
23. Charlotte Kestner .................... University of Central Lancashire
24. Thomas Kirk ........................... University of Central Lancashire
25. Zeynep Kısakürek ................... Galatasaray University
26. Yibei Li .................................... Imperial College London
27. Dugald Macpherson ................ University of Leeds
28. Vincenzo Mantova .................. University of Leeds
29. Amador Martin-Pizarro ........... Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
30. Adrian Mathias.........................Université de la Réunion
31. Nadav Meir ............................. Ben Gurion University
32. Rosario Mennuni ..................... University of Leeds
33. Omer Mermelstein .................. Ben Gurion University
34. Isabel Müller ........................... University of Münster
35. Jaroslav Nesetril ..................... Charles University - Prague
36. Benjamin Rigler ...................... University of Oxford
37. Alfonzo Ruiz Guido .................. University of Oxford
38. Isabella Scott .......................... University of St Andrews
39. Daoud Siniora .......................... University of Leeds
40. Robert Sullivan ........................ Imperial College London
41. Milette Tseelon-Riis ................. University of Leeds
42. Nicholas Wentzlaff ................... University of Oxford
43. Boris Zilber .............................. University of Oxford